Wednesday, August 10, 2011

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The third poet and poem I will write about is the "Chimney Sweeper," by William Blake. William Blake was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. His work is considered seminal in the history of both poetry and the visual arts of th Romantic Age (Blake 76). The "Chimney Sweeper," is about childhood innocence. It is based on a child named Tom whoses mother died and his father sold him to become a chimney sweeper at a very young age (Blake 85). In contrast, "The Sonnets from the Portuguese," written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Browning was a respected working poet for many year's before her courtship and marriage to Robert Browning. In "Sonnets from the Portuguese," Browning suggests that her love for her husband has restored her lost faith and soothed all the emotional wounds of her childhood. Browning writes, "I love thee with a love I seemed to lose (line 11 1085). These religious ideas spring naturally from the faithful christian she was. These poems express overall different emotions. William Blake's poem makes the reader feel sad and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem expresses the feeling of being in love forever which gives someone a feeling of joy..

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