Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question About Fever Blisters?

I recently had a sinus infection that I took a good many doses of medicine to tame, and now just have a basic cold. I must have somewhere along the lines had a fever because now I have an outbreak of tiny blisters on my upper lip. I searched all over the internet and all I could ume that it is, is "fever blisters". I've never had this. I am also not ually active so if you say I have the Type 2 of , that is a joke. I know that fever blisters are a type 1 outbreak and are very contagous however I've never had this before, not since I was about 7 and had a high, high fever with the chickenpox. How can I get rid of these? They already happened so I cant use any of that junk that prevents them.

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